For Youth

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Elizabethtown Area Communities That Care will foster collaborative community-wide initiatives involving schools, parents, neighborhoods, businesses and others that encourage and enable the youth of our community to become productive and valued citizens.

For Parents

Elizabethtown Area Communities That Care will foster collaborative community-wide initiatives involving schools, parents, neighborhoods, businesses and others that encourage and enable the youth of our community to become productive and valued citizens.

Community Coalition

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Elizabethtown Area Communities That Care will foster collaborative community-wide initiatives involving schools, parents, neighborhoods, businesses and others that encourage and enable the youth of our community to become productive and valued citizens.

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Prescription Drug Facts

Did you know??

Avsaknad av adekvat erektionskvalitet för penilt ultraljud hos 5 patienter i huvudgruppen är associerad med en allvarlig grad av vaskulogen ED. Det instabila tidsintervallet för uppkomsten av en fullständig erektion i huvudgruppen beror på olika typer av penila hemodynamiska störningar och sexuell excitabilitet hos patienterna. Den höga procentuella effekten hos 21 (av 27) patienter som använde Viagra-test med ultraljudsundersökning av penis achat levitra 20mg ger anledning att hoppas på fortsatt forskning i denna riktning. Detta motiveras av kontraindikationer och komplikationer med intrakavernös metod för erektionsinduktion: rädsla för injektion och därmed hög sympatisk ton åtföljt av vasokonstriktion av peniskärl, vilket leder till falskt positiva resultat; penissmärta; hematom och blödningar; långvarig erektion; fibros i kavernösa kroppar [1,8]. Dessutom finns det kontraindikationer relaterade till blodsjukdomar och koagulationsrubbningar.

Prescription drug abuse is the fastest growing drug problem in the United States

  • People in the United States consume 75-80% of the world’s narcotic pain medication but comprise only 5% of the world’s total population
  • Every year over 200 million prescriptions are written- one for each person over the age of 18
  • 1 in 5 teens (4.5 million) have abused prescription drugs
  • 44,000 people- the equivalent of two 747s crashing every week- died from some type of drug use in 2013
  • Opioid pain reliever sales quaddrupled between 1999 and 2010
  • 17% of people get their prescriptions from their doctor. The rest- 83%- get them from family and friends

Impact on treatment…

President Obama announced prescription drug abuse and heroin use are a national epidemic

  • The sharp rise in prescription drug addiction correlates with a sharp rise in referral to treatment
  • The substance abuse treatment admission rate for opioid addiction in 2010 was 7 times higher than in 1999
  • Addiction to prescription and non-prescription medication correlates strongly with the use of heroin

Here in Pennsylvania:    

  • Overdose rates from 2010 are above the national overdose rate
  • We are in the top 4 states where more people die from drug overdoses than from traffic accidents